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Remote live bootcamps to lead your career onto a new path.

Web development 24 weeks


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Annika Ekström


From Sales to Developing

Name Annika Ekström

Background Sales

Current Team Leader and Technical Producer at SeenThis

Annika worked in Sales for 7 years and was craving to work more creatively. Her fascination with building things from scratch turned her into coding and she’s never looked back.

Hi, Annika! Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m very curious and positive, which probably is two of the reasons I felt comfortable starting from scratch with a new career. I like to dive in to coding and spend hours programming, but I am also a very energetic and social person so I like to combine this in my daily work.

What did you do before Technigo?

I used to work in Sales for seven years. I felt like I wanted to do something new for a while. I had an interest in creating websites but couldn’t find a good way to learn the necessary skills by myself. When I discovered Technigo I said to myself, if I get in, I’m going to quit my job and give it 100%. So that’s what I did.

Whoa! What made you so motivated?

I wanted to do something more creative and be able to build something from scratch. I found that fascinating about websites. You can go from 0 to 100 if you know how. I was craving a skill set that would allow me to create something, start to finish. Coding was my answer.

When did it first occur to you that you’d like to educate yourself in frontend?

I don‘t really remember. But the idea popped into my head one day so I googled some Youtube tutorials. I enjoyed watching those but it took some time for my plan to take shape after that. I was doing online tutorials and realized more and more that I really wanted to learn this.

Why did you finally choose Technigo?

I had known about Tjejer Kodar for a while. When I found out about the Technigo bootcamp it sounded like the perfect setting. It felt like a great environment to immerse myself into learning. It seemed like a lot of fun as well! I appreciated that it was a fun alternative to traditional education, like university.

What was your greatest struggle?

It really is difficult to learn coding. There’s so much to learn -- it feels like it never ends. It’s difficult to feel satisfied with what you can do. There is always more! I doubted my knowledge a lot, but I kept pushing myself and got a lot of support from my friends and family to keep learning.

It’s also great that there is so much useful content online to help you learn. It helps you solve problems quicker, keeping you engaged.

"There is always more! I doubted my knowledge a lot, but I kept pushing myself and got a lot of support from my friends and family to keep learning."

What was the best thing about learning these new skills?

It’s just great fun! It gave me the key to a whole new world. I’m able to create so much now. After studying I was able to switch into a completely new career. That’s crazy!

So how did that work? How did you get the job?

It was only a week or two after I finished the course that the company I now work for contacted me via Linkedin. They said that my experience from Sales and my new won frontend skills were the perfect mix for this role. And that was that!

What do you do in your new job?

I use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to code video ads. In addition to that, I also use several programs from the Adobe Suite to cut videos and working with images. I am now also the Team Leader for our team. It’s very creative and I just love it.

My team taught me all the things I needed to know for the job. Several senior colleagues are also there to help me out when I need help and it's a good team work. The support has been great.

Plus, I still get to work with the clients and have that social aspect from my previous roles. It’s the best of both worlds!

Any advice for someone considering to add programming skills to what they’re doing?

Just do it. It’s so much fun! It’s a great challenge but you get rewarded manyfold. If you're already considering to learn coding, you should probably do it. It gave me a major competitive edge in my career.

“It’s also great to be a woman with coding skills. There are so many jobs that need coding skills and that it would be great to see more women in.”

What’s on your agenda now?

I want to learn more all the time! I’d really like to do more Javascript and do more in Adobe’s Creative Suite.

We're a female-founded, remote-first community helping people get a career they love. 90% of those attending our boot camps are women.