Name Christina Persson
Current Frontend developer at GetAccept
Graduation June 2020
Christina, who lives in the South of Sweden, attended Technigo to continue her passion for coding. She ended up in one of the most productive teams in the boot camp, learning a lot, and creating plenty of great code.
Christina lives in the southern part of Sweden with her dog Harry, soon to move in with her best friend who also happens to be her partner. When she was a kid she wanted to be everything - from a pizza delivery guy to veterinarian. “I wasn’t one of those kids that just knew what I wanted to do”, she says.
Christina studied Information systems at Lund University. She learned both SQL and Java there and realized that she loved coding. After a year and a half, she was forced to end her studies because she got sick. She was on sick leave for almost 5 years. “When I was getting better and started to think about what I should do, all I knew was that I didn’t want to go back to uni. I wanted to work.” Her boyfriend sent her a link to Technigo’s website and she started researching their boot camp.
One of the main reasons Christina chose Technigo was their high level of female attendees. “I loved the thought that even if I would end up at a company with no female developers I would have a network of women to reach out to.” She did have some previous HTML and CSS experience from her old blog and a Swedish online community called ‘Lunarstorm’, but no previous Javascript knowledge. “My hopes were that I would find my way back to the feeling of enjoyment I felt during uni when I first tried out Java.”
“I’m not sure a close team is vital for your career change, but it most certainly increases the level of fun you’ll have on the way”, she explains. Another reason why a close team will be helpful during not only the boot camp but also when working is something called psychological safety.
It means to be comfortable being yourself without the risk of negative consequences for your career. Being comfortable enough in a team to dare taking risks, knowing that it’s okay to take a risk no matter the outcome. Daring to say things like “I don’t understand”.
“Knowing what a great team feels like before you have started working is something that can be used to measure future teams you’re a part of and ask yourself: do I feel as safe in this team as I did in the Technigo team?”
How do you make sure your team grows together and collaborates well? “Daring to show your vulnerable side. This is extra important when everything is remote”, says Christina. It can feel a bit lonely from time to time and knowing that the other people on your team are feeling similar, struggling from time too is a very important reminder. Talking about not only your victories but also talking about when it’s tough. Sharing knowledge and experiences can help the team build trust and grow closer...
Christina has advice for students looking to get the most out of attending a boot camp. “Push yourself outside your comfort zone, try out things that you haven’t done yet. Even if it feels impossible, even if it’s something that the teachers haven’t taught you yet. If you want to do it, there is without doubt someone on the internet who has done it already.”
Christina now works at a SaaS-company (Software as a Service) called GetAccept. They provide a platform, mobile app, and integrations that help users with contract management, proposal creation, video messages, document tracking, e-signing and a lot more.
As a frontend developer at GetAccept she mainly works with the core app, the web app. This entails both maintaining existing code and adding new functionality. “I write tests for the code, this was something I really wanted to learn and I was thrilled to end up at a company that tests every part of the codebase. I get my PR’s reviewed and review others as well. We also have hackathons and bug squashing days”, Christina explains.
“Was it worth pushing myself really hard during my one and a half year long rehabilitation process, attending a boot camp and starting to work at a really cool SaaS-company? Yes, it most certainly was”, Christina says.
What she enjoys the most is the variation. The coding, but also the agile processes, the teamwork, the fulfilment of knowing that she makes things that help other people in their life. “Working with other departments to make sure we are a top modern company in every regard. The variation is without a doubt what I enjoy the most!”
We're a female-founded, remote-first community helping people get a career they love. 90% of those attending our boot camps are women.