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Programs to change your career

Online Web Development


Upgrade your CV with new skills.

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Maja Zimnoch portrait photo


From Recruitment to Programming – Maja’s Career Change

Name Maja Zimnoch

Current Frontend developer at Customer First AB

Graduation June 2023


The way into coding - by coincidence

"I'm quite creative and a polymath who loves to create new things (digital & physical) and always has some crazy ideas to solve the problem. I realized that I miss coding in my skill set, and I could have more possibilities to push my ideas with such skill! 

The moment that pushed me to take action seriously was a complete coincidence. I was working on a recruitment team in a creative agency, and once my team got a task to recruit a front-end developer for one of our studios, We had plenty of candidates (as it was a junior/mid role), so we needed to screen them quickly and effectively. I did some research on job requirements. Back then, I had no clue what React or Flexbox meant. I did some introductory courses and built a simple HTML and CSS website. Then, I realized that I enjoy coding and want to take my coding to the next level. And then, I found Technigo..."

Why Technigo’s bootcamp was the perfect fit for a career change

"I have always believed that only a university can provide a proper education and prepare you for the job. I was sceptical of bootcamps and other short education schools/courses.

I was sceptical of bootcamps and other short education schools/courses.

However, at that time, I had to source a Project Manager with experience in the web/digital sector. While doing some boolean searches on LinkedIn, I found a prospect with Technigo on their CV. I almost scrolled down and ignored it, but what made me go back to check Technigo's website was your colourful and optimistic logo. It was good timing because you offered a free coding workshop in Stockholm. I signed up, went there, and was impressed by how you were leading this workshop (so positive, practical, well structured), and after it, I was sure I wanted to apply to your bootcamp! You made me realize that I shouldn't be biased that the tech world is only for men and, believe in myself, and go for it."

Her first web developer position

"I think I found myself at the right place, at the right time, with the right connections. I got a job at a company where another Technigo alumni was already working. I wasn't even sure if my application would be considered (because of my language level), but I decided not to overanalyze my skills and instead just quickly applied. The first interview didn't go perfectly, as I got stressed. However, I received positive feedback, and later, I managed to do the coding task successfully.

It's an incredible feeling, especially when I reflect on where I was a year ago, dreaming of my first tech job.

It's an incredible feeling, especially when I reflect on where I was a year ago, dreaming of my first tech job.

To see everything fall into place and to be in control of my life's direction is truly empowering. It's a testament to the power of determination and hard work in achieving career goals.

The first two weeks were tough, and I was getting so tired after my 8-to-5, but now it's much better and easier as I understand what I must do, and I do it. I enjoy having the right, valuable skills and doing the job, which results I can immediately see."

Maja’s Tips on Starting in Web Development

"It's more tricky to switch careers when you are an adult who still has to make a living and pay the bills. Everyone should be aware that this new adventure may be challenging and effortful. I would advise you to get a plan and stick to it. And maybe get a plan B and C, just in case. Get a daily and weekly routine and follow them. Remember to schedule some time for rest. Consider the reasons behind your goal and assess your chances of accomplishing it. Be aware of your strengths and downsides. Design a new you and add new features to this persona. 

I would also advise you to adopt a 'prepare for the worst' attitude and not take anything for granted! Then, you will enjoy even more your first line of code, first deployed website, first job interview, and finally, your first real job in tech. 

I also advise you not to worry if you don't understand everything now. It will take time and practice, but you will get it all (or some of it) one day!"

We're a female-founded, remote-first community helping people get a career they love. 90% of those attending our boot camps are women.