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Remote live bootcamps to lead your career onto a new path.

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Tiago Changed Career Within the Same Company

Name Tiago Ferreira

Background IT-support

Current Frontend developer at Think

Graduation January 2020

Tiago moved from Portugal to Sweden in 2017 after having lived in Madrid. He was looking for something different. In his job as tech support, he got to experience the transformation of the frontend scene first hand and a taste for it himself. “I got to see how frontend became more and more interesting. What you could do and how fun it was to build. I also wanted to try out a new sense of accomplishment that comes from building things.”

Tiago, whose curiosity about frontend was growing, heard about Technigo from a friend. He liked that he didn’t need to give up his day job to attend.

“When my friend told me that Technigo was part-time, I immediately knew this was the one for me.”

Joining a web boot camp, building Pizza bots and Weather apps

Tiago didn’t regret taking a leap of faith and signing up for the bootcamp. He enjoyed the projects, especially building a Pizza Bot and a Weather app. The first because it was really fun to have a pair programming experience even before touching React. “I learned a lot on that one, especially that everyone has their own pace and code style and that it’s important to work as a team from the beginning.” He liked the Weather app, because it was fun to interact with an API for the first time.

Tiago has fond memories of the community aspect of the bootcamp. “The days we spent together were really fun. It’s a pity we couldn’t have the graduation, as it was supposed to take place just when the pandemic started to become problematic.” He explains that while days spent with his team were exhausting, he always learned a lot in a short amount of time.

Finding his first job as a frontend developer

Finding his desired job as a frontend developer right when the COVID19 pandemic started wasn’t easy but Technigo supported Tiago and he quickly found an open frontend position at the company he was currently working at. He applied internally and received a lot of support from the people at the company, as he had already demonstrated his passion for frontend.

“When talking about goals with my manager (in tech support) I mentioned that moving to a frontend position was a goal I want to accomplish sooner or later. When the frontend position opened, I decided to talk to him again to see if we could contact the team that was looking for the role.” From there, it was a fast process. Tiago was asked to complete a technical test and in the end, got to join the frontend team.

“I was a bit hesitant at the beginning since I work with a lot of talented people and I was afraid to fail, but looking back I see that it was the right move.”

A different day-to-day in the same world

“It is still in tech, but it is completely different.” Tiago explains that because tech support work is reactive, being a frontend developer involves a lot more planning ahead. There can be some unexpected tasks as well, but not in the same proportion. Tiago has found it easier to focus on one task and get it done as a frontend developer.

His main goals now are to get up to speed with the stack that the team is using as well as  with their guidelines and ways of working. “It was also mind blowing to see how many different specializations you can have within frontend. So for now, I’m just exploring and trying to find what i like the most.”

Thank you, Tiago!

We're a female-founded, remote-first community helping people get a career they love. 90% of those attending our boot camps are women.