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Programs to change your career

Online Web Development


Upgrade your CV with new skills.

UI Design
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Training courses for your organisation.

Training courses


Meet our graduates and build your future talent pool.

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About us


Levling Up Digitalisation For Swedish Health-Care.

Nation wide custom training for ~400 leaders in Sweden.

Scope: 6 months, 3 hours/week.
Subject: Health-care related digital tech.
Format: Online blended learning.
Client: Stiftelsen Compare.

"With my new knowledge we will dare to try more new technology"

Background. Sweden has a big need to increase innovation and digital transformation within the public health-care system. Change needs to start with the people, and in this case the leaders. Technigo got the task to be the main learning provider and to co-ordinate, design and teach one of the biggest learning projects for health-care leaders today – Level Up. The objective was to give participants tools, methods and knowledge to go from observants to active participants and drivers of innovation and digitalisation. Level Up is founded by the European Social Fund.




Participating organisations


20 000+ total study hours


  • 87% now feels more confident in taking part in conversations about digitalisations and digital technology at the workplace.
  • 87% say they now have more tools to drive digitalisation at their workplace.
  • 84% say the content just matched their current competence need.
  • 81% female leaders as participants.
  • 90+ digitalisation strategies for different organisations within Swedish health care.
  • 6500 comments and knowledge exchanges in the digital learning platform.
  • 75+ facilitated discussions in smaller groups for knowledge sharing.
  • 40+ lecturers, experts and researchers involved as educators.
  • 58 pages of free e-book summarising all thoughts, insights and ideas from participants.

    “I wish that all my colleagues would have got the opportunity to join Level Up”

doctors looking at tablet

What did we do?

  • Learning design and concept development.
  • Coordination with learning providers.
  • E-learning course material production.
  • Booking and co-ordination of industry experts.
  • System setup and onboarding.
  • Participant administration, communication and support at scale.
  • Communication production – design and copywriting.
  • E-book production to summarise overall insights into a sharable format. Download now.

“I’ve got a new found interest in this area. I now understand and can keep up with conversation. I have gone from being a passive bystander to joining in on discussions”

Online training for busy schedules

Health-care leaders have one of the most important jobs in the world – and a very busy schedule. Therefore, we designed a remote education program that would work for their calendars. A digital blended learning course á 3 hours weekly with live lectures but also the possibility to follow the course as a complete self-study online course. The participants learned from some of the most knowledgeable experts, researchers and thought-leaders working within the intersection of technology and health-care.


  • Self-confidence with technology.
  • Innovation.
  • Digital health-care trends.
  • How to spot and evaluate trends.
  • Internet of things.
  • Artificial Intelligence.
  • Cybersecurity.
  • And many more...

Learning network and community

Almost 400 leaders with all similar experiences and challenges have an enormous exchange from each-other. To spark discussions and knowledge sharing we both used online discussion forums but also organised more than 70+ seminars and small round-table discussions. Making space for intimate conversation within this big size group was important for us.

Ta täten digitalt, an e-book by and for leaders.

Wanna know more? Check out the free e-book (In Swedish) that we produced to spread insights from participants to more leaders. Download now.

For questions; contact Hanna Pettersson, Project leader, hanna@technigo.io.

Rebecca WinterquistTechnigo team

We're a remote-first education company helping people get a career they love. 90% of those attending our boot camps are women.